We offer a safe, non-judgmental space where you can receive the support you need, knowing you are not alone. We have a range of support sessions from coffee mornings to workshops and events.
An informal, café style get-together for parents/carers to meet, chat and connect. A safe space where you can talk about anything. You can share as little or as much as you feel comfortable. We have a laugh and a cry! Trained volunteers facilitate our sessions; many with lived experience.
Register a space by sending us an email to confirm your attendance. We ask for a minimum donation of £2. Drop in anytime between 10am and 12pm, and stay for as long as little as you like.
Children over 11 are now also able to attend.
Guest speakers from different backgrounds and professions will attend to speak about a range of topics.
Children over 11 are now also welcome able to attend.
From: 22nd Jan 2025
When: 3rd Wednesday of the month
Where: 7 Hyde Gardens, Eastbourne BN21 4PN
Contact: 01323 315005
Our private Facebook group is a safe place for you to chat and interact with other parents who are on a similar journey. You can post anonymously or as yourself without any judgement from others.
Join the group and get chatting, seek advice, and share what’s worked for you.
Remember, you are not alone.
This is a closed group for you to connect with other parents
Cost: £5/month
From: Wed 13th Nov once a month
When: 6pm - 7pm
Where: 7 Hyde Gardens
We believe that empowering and educating families is paramount to understanding and managing mental wellbeing. We run a number of courses and workshops around different topics relating to mental health and wellbeing.
Jenny will lead an hour’s session to help you to gain an insight into tween and teenage development.
Please book your space on Eventbrite here.
Upcoming Dates:
Thursday 10th October
Tuesday 4th Feb
Wednesday 30th April
When: 1pm - 2pm
Where: Ansvar Community Hub, 1 Circus Street, 4th Floor, Brighton and Hove BN2 9AS
Are you struggling to parent your tween or teen?
The teenage years can be challenging for everyone involved. This 4-week programme will help you to understand and cope with the adolescent years.
Who is this for?
Parents and carers of tweens and teens, particularly late primary school, early secondary school age.
Who is the facilitator?
Jenny is a fully qualified counsellor who has worked with children, young people and their families for over twelve years.
How much does it cost?
£35 for the four weeks.
If you receive benefits, please get in touch with us, as we can offer you additional support.
To sign up for the course, email hello@holdingspace.org.uk
Feedback from parents:
“Getting to understand how teenagers behave and why. And then thinking about how you can behave and react to that in effective and consistent ways.”
“It has definitely exceeded my expectations and it’s already making a difference.”
“Great course, really enjoyed it.”
Upcoming dates:
4 week course: Tuesday 11th March 2025 -1st April 2025
4 week course: Wednesday 28th May 2025 – 18th June 2025
When: 6pm - 7:30pm
Where: 7 Hyde Gardens, Eastbourne, BN21 4PN
We encourage parent/carers to take some time out for themselves, to fill their cup so that they can in turn be there for their family.
With funding from People’s Health Trust & The Health Lottery we are offering gentle yoga and mindfulness classes for parents/carers. Some time for you to relax and nurture yourself. There will be time at the end for a cuppa and chat.
These sessions are for any parent/carer who needs some time out for themselves. Come and join our friendly community for gentle movement , relaxation and your weekly dose fo calm.
Please contact sunshineyogawithem@gmail.com to book your place.
Cost: £45/session
We offer counselling for parents, children and young people. All our team are members of professional counselling bodies. Please complete the contact form for an initial chat.