Sian Noon

I’m Sian, The Youth Fairy and I help young people become happier, calmer, more confident versions of themselves.

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, a combination of talk therapy and clinical hypnosis, is a well-researched, modern approach to tackling anxiety, stress, anger, OCD and other mental health concerns, in a way that does not involve having to revisit trauma or delve deeply into problems or the past.

Before commencing a therapeutic programme I offer a free, one hour initial consultation, which is an opportunity for us to meet, discuss the current situation and I will also explain, in an easy to digest way, how the brain works to create your child’s specific concerns and what we can do about it. This knowledge enables children and their parents to understand why they have been struggling and behaving in these unhelpful ways and how to promote more mentally healthy behaviour in the future.

If, after the consultation, your child feels this therapy will be the right approach for them, sessions can take place in person or online.

7 Hyde Gardens, Eastbourne BN21 4PN

0132 3315 005

Registered Charity Number: 1194399